While fewer fashions are made for plus size women, you'll find that the ones that are tend to be more affordable which actually works to your advantage. Here are some of the best places to go online for great plus size casual fashions at an affordable price! 1. Silhouette www.silhouette.com has very affordable fashions in a wide range, from denim to silky night-on-the-town clothing, up to size 26. 2.
Lane Bryant www.lanebryant.com is one of the pioneers of sexy, fashionable plus size clothing. Sign up for their email list to get coupons on a regular basis.
They sell fashions from size 12 to 28. Look at their clearance section to find some great deals. 3. Chadwick's www.chadwicks.
com has been around for a long time selling conservative, but pretty, clothes. Their models are suspiciously thin on the website, but I have gotten a few nice pieces there. 4.
Avenue www.avenue.com is like Chadwick's with a New York flair. You won't find gypsy tops here, but you'll find some nice line-lengthening jackets and great jeans. And their sizes go up to 32! 5. Roaman's www.
roamans.com used to be something of an "old-ladies" store, but it has totally reinvented itself. You can find beautiful stretch velvets and trendy tops in sizes up to 44. Look for special deals for new web visitors. 6.
Size Appeal www.sizeappeal.com has a great assortment of sexy clothes, proving once more that "frumpy" is not a synonym for "plus size." While base prices are slightly high, sales on still-fantastic and dramatic pieces are Wal-Mart range. 7.
Kiyonna www.kiyonna.com shows beautiful plus size women wearing beautiful plus size clothing ? much nicer than the companies that use skinny women faking it! Prices are average, but no discount as far as I can find other than end-of-season clearances. They do have sizes up to 32. 8. PacificPlex www.
pacificplex.com is perfect for teen plus size girls. From formals to jeans, you can find the size you need here ? even misses plus. 9. Alight www.alight.
com sells really trendy, youngish clothes to size 28, including a fantastic selection of "little black dresses." Warning: while some of the clothes are very reasonably price, the really nice things can be pricey. 10. Igigi www.
igigi.com is one of my personal favorites and happens to the first company who gave me the opportunity to model plus size clothing years ago. You'll truly feel beautiful wearing their plus size fashions. 11. Overstock www.
overstock.com has been known for its great deals for a long time. Don't get carried away when you shop here for bargains; you can find name-brand and designer clothing including plus size clothing for as little as 20% of its original price.
About the Author:
The Author writes articles on plus size models. For more information about plus size model, sexy, plus, size, model and fashion visit at www.nancyhayssen.com.